Chocolatte Declair!

Saturday, March 31, 2012
Well dang.
I haven't posted in like years and junk. But it's ok. My life during that time, can be described as uneventful. But I can say that one thing that I did accomplish was learning alot about myself. What I want out of life, what I will accept, what I won't. So where I have been? Same place as I was when I last left off. Trying to finish my master's. Being led in circles. Chasing after the ever moving target, always a little too slow. But it's ok. After a while of running, I realize. That maybe I should try running in another direction. The advisory that I have had for a while, pretty much abandoned me leaving me high and dry and searching for another route to finish a research project so I can graduate. But thanks to an email I just got, I think I may have found another advisor to work under. eh I don't feel like typing anymore. lo.
posted by Chocolatte @ 10:55 PM   0 comments
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
A Valentine's Day Fairy Tale. lol...
I awake in the morning
And turn on the T.V.
After opening my eyes, what do I see?
I see a plethora of warm colors!
Reds, whites, and pinks
Which would truly be great...
If Valentine's day didn't STINK!

I try to escape by walking outside
Love is everywhere (but here) and there's nowhere to hide
Don't get me wrong though...
I love the flowers, teddy bears, cards, and sweets...
But those gifts mean nothing, if they are not given to me.

So I go to the park to attempt to clear my head
Guess Cupid didn't RSVP, so possibly love is dead
People say " It's just a stupid holiday. That comes once a year"
Could have sworn it was yesterday that "Singles Awareness Day" was here!

So I decide to go home and get in my car.
As I turn the ignition, the damned thing won't start!
Maybe I'm meant to be here. (lol)
Maye this is where I should be.
Stuck in my car alone, under a red maple tree

A damsel in distress, that's what I now am
And out the corner of my eye, I spy a tall handsome man! (Woot!)
Who says...
"Do you need some help?" "Possibly I can give you a jump start?"
"What you first must do is hand me the keys to your heart"
I smiled at the cornyness but was actually pleased...
I flashed him a wink as I gave him the keys...
So I handed them over and I'm open again.
To this "love thing" with my new found friend.

If you wonder what I'm getting at and what I'm trying to say,
This year might be different...
The 14th MIGHT be YOUR day.

Now there's love in the air that's thick enough for blind bats like me to see...
I'm standing right here.
Love glad you found me! ;o)
posted by Chocolatte @ 7:10 PM   0 comments
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Dear Grandma....
I am sitting in Panera Bread Cafe' working on an incredibly tedious project for my master's degree that is due in a few days. And of course I am distracted. You know how I am. Yes grandma you heard that correctly! Not only did I graduate from H.S. , but I also graduated from college and I'm currently pursuing my master's degree in Veterinary Science. Aren't you proud grandma? I know you are. Because I know there was a time when I was about 14 or 15 where you and others were very "worried" about me. But I turned out well. Thanks to you and Johnette. :o)

Sitting next to me in this cafe' was an old couple with their grandson. I assume that they were his grand parents because they looked to be in their 70's and he looked to be about 10 years old. Despite the differences that me and the boy shared such as age, sex, and ethnicity, I identified with him. I was nostalgic about the days that you were still alive and the countless hours we spent together...

It's been about 9 years since you left us, but I still think about you. I still feel you nearby. And little things such as my temporary cafe' neighbors remind me of you. I would love for you to be here with me while we both sip our tea. And you laugh hysterically like you love to do to the "funny books" that you enjoy reading.

Yes grandma, many things have changed since you have been gone. But I just wanted you to know that I am who I am today because of how you raised me and because of the love that you gave me. They say that time heals all wounds and I guess for the most part it's true. However, when someone that plays such a key role in your life passes, you are left with a scar. Not a beastly hideous scar, but a small mark on your heart reminding you... Never letting you forget...

Grandma, that reminder is a pleasant and loving one. And I just wanna say granny that I miss you. Some might think that you can't read this...
But my granny the librarian, the book lover,I know you can read this. My nintendo playing granny that was very experienced with internet and computers (like your grand daughter)is definitely able to read this.
I hope this message reaches your "Inbox" granny. Love you!

J.W. and A.B. said Hi! :o)
posted by Chocolatte @ 4:44 PM   0 comments
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Jokes on you! I'm STILL here!
Hey all you faithful readers....

Yes, it HAS been a long time. I could go through a laundry list of reasons why I haven't blogged in a while but I must say the true answer is that I just haven't had the time.

I was on the computer reading my email and I saw a little article on yahoo about Angelina Jolie and her relationship with her children. I hear alot of people refer to her willingness to adopt children from other countries and of other races as "her having a lil asian or black fashion accesory". But I really don't feel that way. I feel that she has a heart that is open enough to realize that not just blond hair blue eyed children need love too! I personally see nothing wrong with her going to another country to adopt children. I think it's a wonderful thing.

Anywho...I'm gonna have to cut this short. Got some errands to run and stuff and things to do on this fine saturday morning! :o) brb...
posted by Chocolatte @ 11:14 AM   1 comments
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Lighting up my day!
So, I was coming home from a particularly grueling day at work when I was greeted by my favorite flourescent friends... Fireflys! Or lightning bugs...Whatever you wanna call them. To me, they are one thing that signals that summer has finally arrived. The reason why this was so significant for me is lightning bugs have a somewhat nostalgic affect on me.

When I was a little girl, me and my parents would go out in the evenings and catch them in a mason jar and look at them for a few hours and then set them free. Oh, the good ole days! Not only did seeing the lightning bugs temporarily take me back but they also were significant because they reminded me how much I really needed to enjoy some of my summer. They reminded me that man, life moves fast and you only live once. So with that said, I'm gonna start posting my resume online and stuff and start looking for a new better paying job! Wish me luck! ;o) Feelin' good...
posted by Chocolatte @ 8:32 PM   0 comments
Friday, May 23, 2008
So long...
I'm not really leaving...Not yet at least. But it will prolly be a while before I have something interesting and worthwhile to write about. And I'm sure no one wants to hear about how I get bitten or scratched everyday at work. Maybe, I will check back in a couple weeks... Or a couple days, to share random thoughts of mine. BTW, thinking about transferring my blog back to myspace. I liked how on myspace you could pick and choose which blogs u wanted private or who was allowed to read it...Yah, might do that! Toodaloo! :o)

Oh, yah and I might join Gold's gym, which I fear might be a cult or something sinister and foreboding. Cuz someone gave them my number one time and they called me like three times a day, and once I stopped answering the number, they started calling from a different phone number...Well maybe not Gold's but I wanna join some gym. Hmmm, maybe I will take up kung-fu again...I need something to do with my time when I'm not working. Something to exercise the demon! ;o)
posted by Chocolatte @ 7:53 PM   0 comments
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Funny how sh*t works....
I'm not a big cusser but the title fits. Seeing as tho, the last two weeks of my life have revolved around poo...Which is ok, because it's animal poo. Cuz CLEARLY I would not have a job where I am constantly surrounded by human poo! Ewww! So yes, ladies and gents. I have a job! A kennel/pet boutique/groomer/doggy daycare is where u will find me the majority of the week. And so far it's o.k. Although definately exhausting work that is not helpful to my bad back and weak knees but it's refreshing getting a paycheck weekly! ;o)

So a few specs on the job cuz believe it or not alot of people have been asking me what I do at work... I deal wit lots and lots of dogs and cats. I do kennel cleaning, bathe the animals, clip thier nails (which about 99% of them try to fight me about), clean thier ears, wash doggie bowls and dishes, walk dogs, clean up poop, mop poop (yes, I mop poop) and mop pee, sweep, vacuum, clean cat rooms. Give them food and water. On average, I have gotten bitten about twice everyday. Usually once while trimming nails,and once by an overly eager dog that is just playing but doesn't realize that humans dont like play biting as other dogs do...

Right now, my biggest challenge at work is keeping up wit the newpaper room type pace, and fighting the urge to not adopt another animal from my job. Cuz there are lots of cats in there that need a good home. And there are two that I really like... But I cannot turn into a cat lady! Even tho one of my co-workers said I will prolly succumb and adopt a cat at some point in time...Yargh! I must fight the power!

If you are wondering if I smell bad after work, then the answer is yes! I smelled myself the other day after leaving work and I must say all those furry friends and poop and pee catches up wit ya by the end of the day...However, that didn't stop me from going to get my "hot and ready" pizza from lil' cesars right after leaving work! ;o)

So as for my social life this summer....Pretty much non-existant for the time being. All my friends went back to thier far away hometowns for the summer and my bf is kinda far. And we both have wack work schedules. But it's ok cuz I'm gonna see him soon! My McSteamy! ;o)

Thank goodness, I have my stinky puppy Daisy to keep my company. Cuz I would surely go insane without her. (Even tho she is part of my sh*tty sh*tuation since she likes to throw her poo around when she is in her kennel). For the longest time, I used to be puzzled and wondered how there could be poo on my bathroom floor when she was locked in her kennel. Yeah, that girl has the arm of a pro football player...My lil poo-slinger.

Right now, I am sadly looking at my brown and white arms. Yeah, part is brown and part is white. The brown part is my normal looking skin. And the white parts are the many many itchy spots that I have acquired from being around all those animals everyday at work... (Btw, I'm allergic to animals...) Go figure, a future vet is allergic to her career... So yah. My arms are full with white scratch marks, which wouldn't be so white and noticable if I wasn't so ashy...And I wouldn't be so ashy if I didn't have to wash my hands and arms all day...And I wouldn't have to wash my arms and hands all day....Eh, u know the rest...

I'm rambling as usual. Must be time to go to bed... Or might just be another day in the life of Chocolatte! ;o)
posted by Chocolatte @ 10:31 PM   0 comments
Personal journal that expresses thoughts that I have...
About Me

Name: Chocolatte
Home: Auburn, AL, United States
About Me: Unique is how many describe me. Inconsistancies rule my life. How I am depends on what day you catch me for the most part.However, one constant thing is that I attempt to keep God as the pilot in my flight of life. ;o)
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