Chocolatte Declair!

Saturday, April 18, 2009
Dear Grandma....
I am sitting in Panera Bread Cafe' working on an incredibly tedious project for my master's degree that is due in a few days. And of course I am distracted. You know how I am. Yes grandma you heard that correctly! Not only did I graduate from H.S. , but I also graduated from college and I'm currently pursuing my master's degree in Veterinary Science. Aren't you proud grandma? I know you are. Because I know there was a time when I was about 14 or 15 where you and others were very "worried" about me. But I turned out well. Thanks to you and Johnette. :o)

Sitting next to me in this cafe' was an old couple with their grandson. I assume that they were his grand parents because they looked to be in their 70's and he looked to be about 10 years old. Despite the differences that me and the boy shared such as age, sex, and ethnicity, I identified with him. I was nostalgic about the days that you were still alive and the countless hours we spent together...

It's been about 9 years since you left us, but I still think about you. I still feel you nearby. And little things such as my temporary cafe' neighbors remind me of you. I would love for you to be here with me while we both sip our tea. And you laugh hysterically like you love to do to the "funny books" that you enjoy reading.

Yes grandma, many things have changed since you have been gone. But I just wanted you to know that I am who I am today because of how you raised me and because of the love that you gave me. They say that time heals all wounds and I guess for the most part it's true. However, when someone that plays such a key role in your life passes, you are left with a scar. Not a beastly hideous scar, but a small mark on your heart reminding you... Never letting you forget...

Grandma, that reminder is a pleasant and loving one. And I just wanna say granny that I miss you. Some might think that you can't read this...
But my granny the librarian, the book lover,I know you can read this. My nintendo playing granny that was very experienced with internet and computers (like your grand daughter)is definitely able to read this.
I hope this message reaches your "Inbox" granny. Love you!

J.W. and A.B. said Hi! :o)
posted by Chocolatte @ 4:44 PM  
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Name: Chocolatte
Home: Auburn, AL, United States
About Me: Unique is how many describe me. Inconsistancies rule my life. How I am depends on what day you catch me for the most part.However, one constant thing is that I attempt to keep God as the pilot in my flight of life. ;o)
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