Chocolatte Declair!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Aaaarghhhhh! Final Exams!!!!
So, I am at my friends house "Studying" as someone jokingly said. Not "studying" as in being FAST... But "studying" as in blogging instead of studying. But then again, All the different methods of procrastination in the world come to mind when trying to study histology/embryology.

So today was a rather unproductive day. I volunteered to go along with my friend to help her take her two daschunds to the tuskegee vet to get thier shots...The doctor finally came and collected us out of the waiting room at 3:30...That wouldn't have been so bad if the appointment wasn't for 1pm!!! So basically what happened here is, the stinkin lil lady that does appointments, failed to mention that THERE ARE NO AVAILABLE DOCTORS WORKING TODAY! So they had to recruit some clinicians and made them come to work to take a patient on what was probably thier day off. Yeah, such is to be expected at tuskegee school of veterinary medicine.

So while sitting in the waiting room, I noticed some pretty shady characters bringing thier even more shady looking dogs into the clinic. (Still no doctors to treat anyone...) So my friend jen came in and said hi to us and then went to pet this lady's dog and then saw the dogs eyes looked like it was crusting over from what appeared to be some type of communicable/ maybe zoonotic disease around it's eyes. (FYI zoonotic disease are diseases that can be passed from animals to humans and vice versa...) Yah, and then my friend's dog tried to bite at the dog wit the zombie eyes. Then these two other "local" looking guys came in with thier dog. The dog appeared to have some type of mange or something. For an avid animal lover, seeing all those diseased mangy animals kinda made me itch a little...And THEN they had the nerve to try to whisle or something when I walked past. Really, u think I'm coming anywhere near yall mangy asses? Plus, I don't take kindly to people that don't take care of thier animals! As you all can tell, I have slipped into the realm of stressful exam psycho girl....Blarghhhhhh!
posted by Chocolatte @ 10:25 PM  
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Name: Chocolatte
Home: Auburn, AL, United States
About Me: Unique is how many describe me. Inconsistancies rule my life. How I am depends on what day you catch me for the most part.However, one constant thing is that I attempt to keep God as the pilot in my flight of life. ;o)
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