Chocolatte Declair!

Saturday, April 12, 2008
Taking back the neighborhood!
Today, I let Daisy poo in my neighbors yard. I hope he steps in it. And if he does, he is in for a treat...Cuz even tho Daisy is a tiny lil chihuahua her poo is enough to take a grown man down...

I'm not a triflin person but my neighbor lets his dog out and the dog either comes to our trailor to poo or goes across the street. The dog never poos in his own grass. That crap is deliberate! To make matters worst, me and my roomate have been stepping in it and trackin it thru the house. And when I had a guest visiting me, he stepped in it also. One time there was poo on the front porch...With that said, I hope neighbor joe gets a footful! I think I am gonna take her out again...To his yard... She looks like she has to go right now ;o)
posted by Chocolatte @ 5:40 PM  
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Name: Chocolatte
Home: Auburn, AL, United States
About Me: Unique is how many describe me. Inconsistancies rule my life. How I am depends on what day you catch me for the most part.However, one constant thing is that I attempt to keep God as the pilot in my flight of life. ;o)
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