Chocolatte Declair!

Thursday, April 17, 2008
Geesh! Can't you see I'm "Studying?"
Study mode= Crazy Chocolatte…

Sitting in the library, taking a wee little study break from looking at 114 powerpoint slides that will be on tomorrow’s exam. Not to mention the additional 40 or so slides of dull, mind numbing, boringness… So to fully take advantage of my study break, I went downstairs to the coffee shop that AU has in it’s library. And they had my crack snax! Crack chips and crack treats! (Translation is French onion sunchips and rice krispy treats! But crack snacks to me cuz I’m addicted) Woot!

So one of my teachers passed back a paper that I had a written a while ago. And that heifer gave me a C! That’s right she GAVE me a C! What’s crazy is I saw someone else’s paper. And they had all the same info but got a 100! That ole’ hater!

So I’ve come to the realization that noise follows me. I just finished migrating away from my former seat in the library in attempt to find somewhere quiet to study and then as soon as I sit down. Party over here begins…Argggh! Dang, and then “Devin” just walked in and of course he knows everyone in here, so of course the celebration ensues…Ridiculous…

On, a lighter note…. Today was a BEAUTIFUL day! I spent a great deal of time outside studying. Wanted to get my learn on while simultaneously enjoying the wonderful spring air. The sky was completely blue with nary a cloud in the sky. Ah, times like that I wish my boo was here to share that wonderful experience with me. Ok, it’s not that serious but being a nature girl (sans the bugs) its something wonderful to me…

So in approximately 40 mins, I will be leaving the library. They now have security guides that will export u to ur car. Me being a lady and all, I think I go ahead and get an excort. It will only be 10 when I leave but u never know. There are CRAZIES everywhere! Could it be YOU!
posted by Chocolatte @ 9:04 PM  
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Name: Chocolatte
Home: Auburn, AL, United States
About Me: Unique is how many describe me. Inconsistancies rule my life. How I am depends on what day you catch me for the most part.However, one constant thing is that I attempt to keep God as the pilot in my flight of life. ;o)
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