Chocolatte Declair!

Thursday, April 17, 2008
Rantin and Ravin!
      So having finally gotten my first car has really been a treat. I’m currently still working out the kinks and getting some work done on it but yah it’s a liberating feeling being able to come and go as you please. Not having to tag along at someone’s waist side like u are their child, not having to constantly rely on others is definitely a satisfying feeling.
           While I feel that most of my friends are happy for me, there are always gonna be some people that have something negative to say about everything. So word on the street was that I have been acting shady since I got my car and I was going around saying “I don’t want anyone in my car” “I don’t want anyone riding wit me” And basically that I was talking all this junk. And that people felt that I was acting shady and didn’t want people riding with me when I used to ride with them… The crazy part is that anyone that knows me should know that I have ALWAYS made a point to show appreciation for what others have done for me. Not only that when I DID ride with others previously before I got my car, I did NOT ride for free. I gave gas money. And a lot more gas money then most other people would give…(Except for 2 friends of mine that would never accept the gas money that I offered) (Those sweeties!)

So I let hearing that annoy me for approximately 2hrs. Had it been this time last year, I would have been upset about it for a long time. Trying to figure who would put words in my mouth and just slam lie on me like that. But then I realized… I really don’t care. I realized also, that I wasted too many precious moments in my life caring what people think. I wasted too much time worrying about FOOLISHNESS. I told some of my friends what I had heard and they bust out laughing. Cuz since I got the car, I have volunteered to drive to school EVERY DAY. Which is totally contrary to the accusation that I don’t want anyone in my car. ;o) What I DID SAY was that at first I prolly would not want to ride with OTHERS so that I could temporarily enjoy the FREEDOM of coming and going as I pleased. But I NEVER said that I didn’t want anyone riding with me. Plus if people ride with me, then they would be on my schedule so it really wouldn’t matter (wink) I just love how some people enjoy twisting people’s words and try to make people out to be something that they are not. I find that spiteful and malicious…Anywho…Yah, that’s funny.

And speaking of word twisting… I told a friend of mine that while driving in bumpy ass Tuskegee, I hit a pothole. I tried to avoid potholes while driving but missed that one. And hit it hard! So my friend told people about me hitting the pothole. So then the new topic of discussion was me NOT hitting a pothole but me hitting a POLE. So now I guess I’m the trifling girl that don’t want anyone in her car , that can’t drive and hits poles...Grr.

And I let that annoy me for approximately 1hr. Yay! See?  It gets easier each time to ignore people and their foolishness and not give a darn what they think. ;o)

Feelin’ good…And coffee’d up! Me and my choco-latte self… :o)
posted by Chocolatte @ 8:39 PM  
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Name: Chocolatte
Home: Auburn, AL, United States
About Me: Unique is how many describe me. Inconsistancies rule my life. How I am depends on what day you catch me for the most part.However, one constant thing is that I attempt to keep God as the pilot in my flight of life. ;o)
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