Chocolatte Declair!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
The Aids Man...
So I was checking my email today, and I got one from a good friend of mine. And I was like "Darn, another FORWARD!" But I decided to take a look at it. The title of the email was "The Aids Man", and needless to say the title alone definately grabbed my attention.

Oh yah, here's the link...

So yah, back to what I was saying...I looked at the video. And while it was harsh and disturbing, I honestly already knew how alot of people think. Not just how men think but how women think. Despite the content of the video, I am sure that there are many people who are unaffected by what was said. And many people still think that they are invincible and beleive that they couldn't catch anything like HIV.
What is alarming is the number of people that believe that if they have been dating someone for a long time, that it's ok to go raw or not use condoms...Totally not the case. Think about it. Just because they CLAIMED they have been tested does not mean they have been. Shoot, they could have cheated...Because I'm sure we all have a dishonest friend who gets busy outside of thier relationship...The question people must ask themself when getting ready to engage in sexual activity is: Do they have proof of thier status? If not, then you should have doubt. I mean this is YOUR LIFE. And the thing about contracting HIV, is that once you contract it. There is no second chance.

Alot of other people say, "Well, the condom broke before so we might as well stop using condoms..." WRONG! A tad bit of good news is that HIV is not transmitted 100% of the time. So lets say you have unprotected sex with your infected significant other, you might not contract it the FIRST TIME you have unprotected sex. But then again, you might. That's the scary thing...You never know.

Also alot of people think, "Oh, he's the only guy I have been with so I know everything is ok"...But these people fail to realize that just because he was your first does not make you his first. And not only that, you can get viruses and stds from methods other than sex. Man, you can get HIV through breastmilk...

I was talking to a friend of mine and saying how I would never be caught having unprotected sex.(unless I'm married) And she tried to say that just because you use condoms doesn't mean that you won't catch anything. I guess she was offended because she doesn't use them with her bf... And I wasn't shooting her down or anything like that...Because as humans we all do things that aren't in our best judgement. Like right now I should be studying instead of blogging...But yah, while condoms aren't 100% they are extremely effective. And definately can save many many lives...So while the only 100% effective HIV/STD prevention is abstinence, our people need to WAKE UP and stop needlessly dying because of a pretty much preventable disease...

While we try to be concerned about what we are putting in our bodies nutritionally and stuff like that, we must also be aware of what we are putting in our bodies sexually... Because believe me ladies and gents, aint NO sex better than living a full HEALTHY life. Remember that. And the moral of the story is....Go get tested. And yes I get tested. I actually get tested when I go home for Christmas vacation. The reason why I wait till that time of year is so I can go with a trusted family member. Because should the extremely unfortunate occur, I will have loved ones to strap me down to a bed or something and to keep me from going completely insane...

And YES I do have my paperwork...Do you??

So yah, check out the video...
posted by Chocolatte @ 6:38 PM  
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Name: Chocolatte
Home: Auburn, AL, United States
About Me: Unique is how many describe me. Inconsistancies rule my life. How I am depends on what day you catch me for the most part.However, one constant thing is that I attempt to keep God as the pilot in my flight of life. ;o)
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