Chocolatte Declair!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Sweetest Temptations....

My name is ________ and I have an addiction.

So yah, I came to the sad realization that I am really and truly addicted to what is known as one of america's most common (acceptable) addictions. That addiction, ladies and gents...Is SUGAR! They don't call me chocolatte for no reason...Yah, I love sweets. And while alot of people have a sweet tooth. I have sweet TEETH. I can really honestly eat something sweet for every meal. And that is not a good look. Not at all. *On a side note, my friend just said "I'm tired of penises, I'm tired of looking at and studying penises"...Haha. Thought that was funny. Back to what I was talking about...

But yah, my cravings for sweets have gotten a lil bit on the the unbearable side...And it doesn't help that this lady at this gas station nearby gives away free krispy kreme donuts at night! Blast her and her free goodies and snacks! But yah, I have resorted to eating candy and everything. And before it just used to be cakes and pies...Oh, goodness...I sound so greedy! Oh, well! It's ok for me to sound greedy because the first step in healing and curing urself is realizing that you have a problem. And I definately realize that.

When my boo came to visit me a while ago, I remember we went to walmart and he definately cracked jokes about the contents of my grocery cart. Hmmmm, let's see... there was pretty much nothing but sweets in there... I need an intervention...

So the plan of action is to attempt to try to really cut it down. Just finished reading several reasons why too much sugar is bad for ur health...So hopefully that and a family history of diabetes will curb these extreme cravings that have been plaguing me. But dang...What's chocolatte wit out the sugar? Bittersweet? Yah, that was kinda whack...

But yah, so I'm gonna try to go cold turkey, just scared I'm gonna suffer withdrawels. Cuz I tried quitting once. And I got quite irritable. Oh, well. Wish me luck guys!
posted by Chocolatte @ 10:50 PM  
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Name: Chocolatte
Home: Auburn, AL, United States
About Me: Unique is how many describe me. Inconsistancies rule my life. How I am depends on what day you catch me for the most part.However, one constant thing is that I attempt to keep God as the pilot in my flight of life. ;o)
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