Chocolatte Declair!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010
A Valentine's Day Fairy Tale. lol...
I awake in the morning
And turn on the T.V.
After opening my eyes, what do I see?
I see a plethora of warm colors!
Reds, whites, and pinks
Which would truly be great...
If Valentine's day didn't STINK!

I try to escape by walking outside
Love is everywhere (but here) and there's nowhere to hide
Don't get me wrong though...
I love the flowers, teddy bears, cards, and sweets...
But those gifts mean nothing, if they are not given to me.

So I go to the park to attempt to clear my head
Guess Cupid didn't RSVP, so possibly love is dead
People say " It's just a stupid holiday. That comes once a year"
Could have sworn it was yesterday that "Singles Awareness Day" was here!

So I decide to go home and get in my car.
As I turn the ignition, the damned thing won't start!
Maybe I'm meant to be here. (lol)
Maye this is where I should be.
Stuck in my car alone, under a red maple tree

A damsel in distress, that's what I now am
And out the corner of my eye, I spy a tall handsome man! (Woot!)
Who says...
"Do you need some help?" "Possibly I can give you a jump start?"
"What you first must do is hand me the keys to your heart"
I smiled at the cornyness but was actually pleased...
I flashed him a wink as I gave him the keys...
So I handed them over and I'm open again.
To this "love thing" with my new found friend.

If you wonder what I'm getting at and what I'm trying to say,
This year might be different...
The 14th MIGHT be YOUR day.

Now there's love in the air that's thick enough for blind bats like me to see...
I'm standing right here.
Love glad you found me! ;o)
posted by Chocolatte @ 7:10 PM  
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Name: Chocolatte
Home: Auburn, AL, United States
About Me: Unique is how many describe me. Inconsistancies rule my life. How I am depends on what day you catch me for the most part.However, one constant thing is that I attempt to keep God as the pilot in my flight of life. ;o)
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