Chocolatte Declair!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Sweetest Temptations....

My name is ________ and I have an addiction.

So yah, I came to the sad realization that I am really and truly addicted to what is known as one of america's most common (acceptable) addictions. That addiction, ladies and gents...Is SUGAR! They don't call me chocolatte for no reason...Yah, I love sweets. And while alot of people have a sweet tooth. I have sweet TEETH. I can really honestly eat something sweet for every meal. And that is not a good look. Not at all. *On a side note, my friend just said "I'm tired of penises, I'm tired of looking at and studying penises"...Haha. Thought that was funny. Back to what I was talking about...

But yah, my cravings for sweets have gotten a lil bit on the the unbearable side...And it doesn't help that this lady at this gas station nearby gives away free krispy kreme donuts at night! Blast her and her free goodies and snacks! But yah, I have resorted to eating candy and everything. And before it just used to be cakes and pies...Oh, goodness...I sound so greedy! Oh, well! It's ok for me to sound greedy because the first step in healing and curing urself is realizing that you have a problem. And I definately realize that.

When my boo came to visit me a while ago, I remember we went to walmart and he definately cracked jokes about the contents of my grocery cart. Hmmmm, let's see... there was pretty much nothing but sweets in there... I need an intervention...

So the plan of action is to attempt to try to really cut it down. Just finished reading several reasons why too much sugar is bad for ur health...So hopefully that and a family history of diabetes will curb these extreme cravings that have been plaguing me. But dang...What's chocolatte wit out the sugar? Bittersweet? Yah, that was kinda whack...

But yah, so I'm gonna try to go cold turkey, just scared I'm gonna suffer withdrawels. Cuz I tried quitting once. And I got quite irritable. Oh, well. Wish me luck guys!
posted by Chocolatte @ 10:50 PM   0 comments
Aaaarghhhhh! Final Exams!!!!
So, I am at my friends house "Studying" as someone jokingly said. Not "studying" as in being FAST... But "studying" as in blogging instead of studying. But then again, All the different methods of procrastination in the world come to mind when trying to study histology/embryology.

So today was a rather unproductive day. I volunteered to go along with my friend to help her take her two daschunds to the tuskegee vet to get thier shots...The doctor finally came and collected us out of the waiting room at 3:30...That wouldn't have been so bad if the appointment wasn't for 1pm!!! So basically what happened here is, the stinkin lil lady that does appointments, failed to mention that THERE ARE NO AVAILABLE DOCTORS WORKING TODAY! So they had to recruit some clinicians and made them come to work to take a patient on what was probably thier day off. Yeah, such is to be expected at tuskegee school of veterinary medicine.

So while sitting in the waiting room, I noticed some pretty shady characters bringing thier even more shady looking dogs into the clinic. (Still no doctors to treat anyone...) So my friend jen came in and said hi to us and then went to pet this lady's dog and then saw the dogs eyes looked like it was crusting over from what appeared to be some type of communicable/ maybe zoonotic disease around it's eyes. (FYI zoonotic disease are diseases that can be passed from animals to humans and vice versa...) Yah, and then my friend's dog tried to bite at the dog wit the zombie eyes. Then these two other "local" looking guys came in with thier dog. The dog appeared to have some type of mange or something. For an avid animal lover, seeing all those diseased mangy animals kinda made me itch a little...And THEN they had the nerve to try to whisle or something when I walked past. Really, u think I'm coming anywhere near yall mangy asses? Plus, I don't take kindly to people that don't take care of thier animals! As you all can tell, I have slipped into the realm of stressful exam psycho girl....Blarghhhhhh!
posted by Chocolatte @ 10:25 PM   0 comments
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
The Aids Man...
So I was checking my email today, and I got one from a good friend of mine. And I was like "Darn, another FORWARD!" But I decided to take a look at it. The title of the email was "The Aids Man", and needless to say the title alone definately grabbed my attention.

Oh yah, here's the link...

So yah, back to what I was saying...I looked at the video. And while it was harsh and disturbing, I honestly already knew how alot of people think. Not just how men think but how women think. Despite the content of the video, I am sure that there are many people who are unaffected by what was said. And many people still think that they are invincible and beleive that they couldn't catch anything like HIV.
What is alarming is the number of people that believe that if they have been dating someone for a long time, that it's ok to go raw or not use condoms...Totally not the case. Think about it. Just because they CLAIMED they have been tested does not mean they have been. Shoot, they could have cheated...Because I'm sure we all have a dishonest friend who gets busy outside of thier relationship...The question people must ask themself when getting ready to engage in sexual activity is: Do they have proof of thier status? If not, then you should have doubt. I mean this is YOUR LIFE. And the thing about contracting HIV, is that once you contract it. There is no second chance.

Alot of other people say, "Well, the condom broke before so we might as well stop using condoms..." WRONG! A tad bit of good news is that HIV is not transmitted 100% of the time. So lets say you have unprotected sex with your infected significant other, you might not contract it the FIRST TIME you have unprotected sex. But then again, you might. That's the scary thing...You never know.

Also alot of people think, "Oh, he's the only guy I have been with so I know everything is ok"...But these people fail to realize that just because he was your first does not make you his first. And not only that, you can get viruses and stds from methods other than sex. Man, you can get HIV through breastmilk...

I was talking to a friend of mine and saying how I would never be caught having unprotected sex.(unless I'm married) And she tried to say that just because you use condoms doesn't mean that you won't catch anything. I guess she was offended because she doesn't use them with her bf... And I wasn't shooting her down or anything like that...Because as humans we all do things that aren't in our best judgement. Like right now I should be studying instead of blogging...But yah, while condoms aren't 100% they are extremely effective. And definately can save many many lives...So while the only 100% effective HIV/STD prevention is abstinence, our people need to WAKE UP and stop needlessly dying because of a pretty much preventable disease...

While we try to be concerned about what we are putting in our bodies nutritionally and stuff like that, we must also be aware of what we are putting in our bodies sexually... Because believe me ladies and gents, aint NO sex better than living a full HEALTHY life. Remember that. And the moral of the story is....Go get tested. And yes I get tested. I actually get tested when I go home for Christmas vacation. The reason why I wait till that time of year is so I can go with a trusted family member. Because should the extremely unfortunate occur, I will have loved ones to strap me down to a bed or something and to keep me from going completely insane...

And YES I do have my paperwork...Do you??

So yah, check out the video...
posted by Chocolatte @ 6:38 PM   0 comments
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Go Me!
So, I went to the gym wit 2 of my friends and did another mile and a half on the treadmill! Go me! And earlier today I did 2 miles at keisel park! Just gotta start eating right so I will see faster results! Woot!
posted by Chocolatte @ 7:44 PM   0 comments
And another lovely Sunday to you! :o)
So, it's sunday morning and I am sitting here sipping my morning joe...And I'm thinking hmmm what's missing? And I realize now that I have my own transportation I have no excuse not to be at church. Yeah guess I better get on that. So that this time next week, I will be in the house of the Lord instead of the house of Chocolatte... Yeah I'm lame for that last line...Oh well! That's me! :o)
posted by Chocolatte @ 11:24 AM   0 comments
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Writings on the cubicle wall...
So remember how I said in a previous post that AU library offers security guards that will escort you to ur car? Well maybe I should give that some consideration. Cuz there are some strange characters in here right now...
So im in a study cubicle and there is a row of graffiti. The first one says "She was ho...Fo sho" . Right next to it I see "Jesus loves You/ Jesus = Life giver" and I'm thinking oh how nice! and then I look to the other side of that and it says "Brick, where did u get a hand grenade?" and then the last graffiti says "War damn Eagle" . So yah...Just thought the selection of study booth grafitti was rather interesting... Wonder what Brick did with that hand grenade??
posted by Chocolatte @ 6:11 PM   0 comments
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Geesh! Can't you see I'm "Studying?"
Study mode= Crazy Chocolatte…

Sitting in the library, taking a wee little study break from looking at 114 powerpoint slides that will be on tomorrow’s exam. Not to mention the additional 40 or so slides of dull, mind numbing, boringness… So to fully take advantage of my study break, I went downstairs to the coffee shop that AU has in it’s library. And they had my crack snax! Crack chips and crack treats! (Translation is French onion sunchips and rice krispy treats! But crack snacks to me cuz I’m addicted) Woot!

So one of my teachers passed back a paper that I had a written a while ago. And that heifer gave me a C! That’s right she GAVE me a C! What’s crazy is I saw someone else’s paper. And they had all the same info but got a 100! That ole’ hater!

So I’ve come to the realization that noise follows me. I just finished migrating away from my former seat in the library in attempt to find somewhere quiet to study and then as soon as I sit down. Party over here begins…Argggh! Dang, and then “Devin” just walked in and of course he knows everyone in here, so of course the celebration ensues…Ridiculous…

On, a lighter note…. Today was a BEAUTIFUL day! I spent a great deal of time outside studying. Wanted to get my learn on while simultaneously enjoying the wonderful spring air. The sky was completely blue with nary a cloud in the sky. Ah, times like that I wish my boo was here to share that wonderful experience with me. Ok, it’s not that serious but being a nature girl (sans the bugs) its something wonderful to me…

So in approximately 40 mins, I will be leaving the library. They now have security guides that will export u to ur car. Me being a lady and all, I think I go ahead and get an excort. It will only be 10 when I leave but u never know. There are CRAZIES everywhere! Could it be YOU!
posted by Chocolatte @ 9:04 PM   1 comments
Rantin and Ravin!
      So having finally gotten my first car has really been a treat. I’m currently still working out the kinks and getting some work done on it but yah it’s a liberating feeling being able to come and go as you please. Not having to tag along at someone’s waist side like u are their child, not having to constantly rely on others is definitely a satisfying feeling.
           While I feel that most of my friends are happy for me, there are always gonna be some people that have something negative to say about everything. So word on the street was that I have been acting shady since I got my car and I was going around saying “I don’t want anyone in my car” “I don’t want anyone riding wit me” And basically that I was talking all this junk. And that people felt that I was acting shady and didn’t want people riding with me when I used to ride with them… The crazy part is that anyone that knows me should know that I have ALWAYS made a point to show appreciation for what others have done for me. Not only that when I DID ride with others previously before I got my car, I did NOT ride for free. I gave gas money. And a lot more gas money then most other people would give…(Except for 2 friends of mine that would never accept the gas money that I offered) (Those sweeties!)

So I let hearing that annoy me for approximately 2hrs. Had it been this time last year, I would have been upset about it for a long time. Trying to figure who would put words in my mouth and just slam lie on me like that. But then I realized… I really don’t care. I realized also, that I wasted too many precious moments in my life caring what people think. I wasted too much time worrying about FOOLISHNESS. I told some of my friends what I had heard and they bust out laughing. Cuz since I got the car, I have volunteered to drive to school EVERY DAY. Which is totally contrary to the accusation that I don’t want anyone in my car. ;o) What I DID SAY was that at first I prolly would not want to ride with OTHERS so that I could temporarily enjoy the FREEDOM of coming and going as I pleased. But I NEVER said that I didn’t want anyone riding with me. Plus if people ride with me, then they would be on my schedule so it really wouldn’t matter (wink) I just love how some people enjoy twisting people’s words and try to make people out to be something that they are not. I find that spiteful and malicious…Anywho…Yah, that’s funny.

And speaking of word twisting… I told a friend of mine that while driving in bumpy ass Tuskegee, I hit a pothole. I tried to avoid potholes while driving but missed that one. And hit it hard! So my friend told people about me hitting the pothole. So then the new topic of discussion was me NOT hitting a pothole but me hitting a POLE. So now I guess I’m the trifling girl that don’t want anyone in her car , that can’t drive and hits poles...Grr.

And I let that annoy me for approximately 1hr. Yay! See?  It gets easier each time to ignore people and their foolishness and not give a darn what they think. ;o)

Feelin’ good…And coffee’d up! Me and my choco-latte self… :o)
posted by Chocolatte @ 8:39 PM   0 comments
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Taking back the neighborhood!
Today, I let Daisy poo in my neighbors yard. I hope he steps in it. And if he does, he is in for a treat...Cuz even tho Daisy is a tiny lil chihuahua her poo is enough to take a grown man down...

I'm not a triflin person but my neighbor lets his dog out and the dog either comes to our trailor to poo or goes across the street. The dog never poos in his own grass. That crap is deliberate! To make matters worst, me and my roomate have been stepping in it and trackin it thru the house. And when I had a guest visiting me, he stepped in it also. One time there was poo on the front porch...With that said, I hope neighbor joe gets a footful! I think I am gonna take her out again...To his yard... She looks like she has to go right now ;o)
posted by Chocolatte @ 5:40 PM   0 comments
Mr. Good enough...
      So I was reading my email today and I saw a very interesting article from WebMD. (Very good website by the way...) It was titled "The good enough marriage" Basically the article talked about the concept of "settling" as opposed to waiting for something better. According to the article, it says that alot of people spend time waiting for that perfect person that just will never come...Sounds pessimistic but I must say that there were some very valid points made here...Alot of us nitpick and think that we will find someone that is just about perfect in every way. Personality, looks, career, spiritual views...(Order does 
not reflect significance...)  We might tend to look down on someone that will make us happy because we are too busy running after an ideal that really might not be as great as it seems. An example can be the girl that won't date short guys....Or the man that only wants women with long hair...Or it could be something such as you can't stand the fact that your boo would rather watch some spike lee movie than engage in the newest slasher film that is out. (wink) Basically worrying about such things means worrying about the trivial or trifling aspects of a relationship. What it boils down to is that there are things far more important that should be considered "deal breakers" when it comes to choosing a potential lifelong
partner or spouse.
In this article that I read:
It says when trying to decide whether u should stay with the person in question you should try to follow 5 guidelines.
So I copied some of the explanations for those guidelines here

1. Compatibility : "Similar styles in living, similar ways of operating, whether more rational or emotional, will help you avoid chronic disappointment,"
2. Sexual Attraction :  "You need adequate sexual attraction, some chemistry, but you each don't have to like 17 body parts"
3. Similar goals: If says here that while you may have a huge list of ideal qualities in a mate, narrow the list down to 3 must have traits
4. Respect: self explanatory...
5. Gut check: Follow ur gut instinct about the person...Do you have a bad feeling about them? Good feeling? Any feelings at all?

So basically if you feel that ur significant other fairs well in all those categories then maybe you should consider staying with that person. Basically while we all look for that hot burning fire, I think we must realize that sometimes those 
that we have the hottest burning passion for aren't the best mates for us. Nor, are they the relationships that will have longevity and also stability. I personally feel that if I find a guy that can pass that 1 thru 5 checklist, then I am not settling at all! :o) And I think I might know just the guy... ;o)
posted by Chocolatte @ 5:14 PM   0 comments
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Call me Dr. Doolittle ;o)
So.... my puppy Daisy loves to run around and growl at her toys. So today I felt like growlin at her. So I growled. And she understood me! She ran away and was scared so I guess she is more of the submissive type! And then I barked a little. And she had this confused look on her face. Then I barked some more and then she barked with me! I guess me and my pets really do have good communication ;o)
posted by Chocolatte @ 3:55 PM   0 comments
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Who will be my April Fool this year? Bwahahaha!
So today is April Fool's day! Another holiday that one might call useless or pointless but one that I call fun and exciting. The funny thing about it is that I usually target the same people each year and each year they never realize I'm joking until I let em know that they are an april fool. ;o) Better watch out... Might be you ;o)
Hmmm, I wonder what the origin of this holiday is...I think I will look it up! Ok basically the consensus is that the true origin of this holiday is uncertain. However, there are many different theories as to where the celebration of April Fool's day originates. Basically, this day is said to represent the beginning days of spring. Also apparently there used to be lots of festivals and stuff that centered around foolery and trickery and they eventually compiled all of that FOOLISHNESS into a single day. (And we all know I love my tomfoolery and shenanigans...) So people would dance around and be merry and get drunk and stuff like that and eventually it became another crazy american holiday (which it has been since around the 18th century).
Also there was also a king that told a "fool" that the fool could be king for a day. And the fool believed it....Another A.F.D theory... In my own world and time, today is a day to try to prank your loved ones and and just have a good ole' time. Usually I put alot of time and effort into creating a fun joke or prank but eh...Way too weary for that today!

And speaking of weary.... I tried the 5 hour energy thing. I only drank like half of the bottle, but man the taste alone was enough to wake you up! It almost tastes like alka-selzer with a dash of strawberry. However, the good part is I really did feel the effects of it immediately. I was in the library when I drank it and was hangin on by a thread trying to survive and read the rest of this chapter for neuroanatomy. (For those of you that don't know, that is one of the most boring things that you will ever have to read!) But now I am BRIGHT-EYED and bushy tailed and ready to finish reading this boring chapter. Which I should be doing right now instead of being on here. So did the energy really work? Or will my body 5 mins later tell me "April Fools! Heffa!" Hmm.... guess we will see :o)
posted by Chocolatte @ 3:12 PM   0 comments
Personal journal that expresses thoughts that I have...
About Me

Name: Chocolatte
Home: Auburn, AL, United States
About Me: Unique is how many describe me. Inconsistancies rule my life. How I am depends on what day you catch me for the most part.However, one constant thing is that I attempt to keep God as the pilot in my flight of life. ;o)
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